「Decision-support for hydropower planning」(修士2年・Abdul MOIZ)
「A Deep Learning Approach to Downscaling Precipitation for Flood Risk Assessment over Data-scarce Region: Case Study of Bago River Basin, Myanmar」(修士2年(交換留学)・Yi-Chia CHANG)
「Development of Inundation Model in Complex River Network」(修士1年・劉暢)
「Development of a near-real time flood inundation analysis system for a deltaic flat river basin in a data-scarce region: Case of the Bago River basin, Myanmar」(博士3年・Seemanta Bhagabati)
「Impact of climate variability and water-related disasters on rural livelihood and poverty; A case study in Sri Lanka」(博士3年・Gouri Silva)
「Basin-scale Future Flood Impact Assessment: Bago River in Myanmar」(特別研究員・Ralph Acierto)
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Friday, April 6, 2018
Report for the Exchange Program at UTokyo
January 27th – March 11th 2018 (6 weeks)
Komaba International Lodge
Program Outline
All in all, I really thank
Kawasaki Sensei for giving me a chance to come to Japan that I got many friends
throughout my study in Tokyo . This time is so beneficial for me not only in my
studying but also in my daily lifestyle and I got a starting way of my research
. Moreover, I got a close communication
Komaba International Lodge
Program Outline
This is my second experience to be the
candidate of Student Exchange Program at UTokyo to study WEB-DHM model and to
understand the python script which are already written by the specific
During the tenure of my
study, it is not only beneficial for the improvement of my study skill but also
effective for my daily life style. This is my first-time trip to go abroad
individually for further study and that is why I am full of excitement and
experience. To say the truth, I was so depended on my mother for everything
even for my sleeping schedule before but after my arrival at Dorm , I had to
manage all the things by myself and relied on my own to survive thus, I became
independent . I think, I will be well equipped with sufficient experience for next
time as this is valuable training for my life.
My research is about the
Estimation of Hydropower Potential for my study area .In order to do that I
have to focus on two major factors that
first one is to study WEB-DHM and the other is writing of python script . For
the first one, I try to test with WEB-DHM tool in Arc GIS and also in NK-GIAS
(Nippon Koei Geographic Information Analysis System) for my study area. While I am testing with ArcGIS, there are a lot
of error. Sam helped me solving these issues often even he was so busy with his
tight study schedule. Moreover, I visited to the NK R&D Center at Tsukuba
to discuss the new WEB DHM tools in NK GIAS with Mr. Nakamura and Ms. Cho
Thanda Nyunt. They gave me not only advise for NKGIAS but also explained
hydrological theory to me that I didn’t understand. After meeting, we had a
very delicious dinner near the station. They are very kind and helpful to me that
I really appreciate their support. I have enhanced my knowledge as well as understanding
of real research life through several attempts to trial test for every
possibility although the result did not come out as I expected.
The other one is learning python programming that is really very
difficult for me as I am so weak in understanding in coding. In this case, I
learn by watching videos and reading reference books. Moiz and Ralph helped me
in learning the script, searching books and downloading the data for me that I
couldn’t access with my Gmail. For the time being, I achieved slight understanding
of how to study the python and it took time for me to know the coding with the
absent of anyone’s help.
With Mr
Nakamura and Ma Cho Thandar Nyunt at NK R&D Center
During my stay at UTokyo, I attended group meeting every week and hosted
the presentation for twice at the beginning of my stay and before I go back to
Yangon. From these presentations, I got several suggestions and comments from
my colleagues and Kawasaki Sensei. In addition, I joined the “2018 Civil
Engineering Symposium SMARR Infrastructure Future Challenges”. I gained several
knowledges from that symposium. Especially, one presentation made by the MLIT
(Ministry of Land Transport and Tourism) regarding making master plan for one
specific township as pilot area in Yangon gave me many knowledges about the techniques
of how to maintain and monitor the bridge and tunnel in Japan with robot
technology, such kind of investigation technology are critical in our country.
I also visited the construction site at Shin-Yokohama (tentatively named)
Subway Station to connect the Sotetsu Line and Tokyo Line with the support of
Kajima Construction company. It is 330 meters in length to connect the two-railway
line and an 80-meter section of new station will be constructed and intersected
with Shin Yokohama Municipal subway. We went down to the construction site of
new subway station to 32 m depth from the ground level. It is full of
excitement and knowledge about the tunnel construction technic and the
application of sensor monitoring technic in order to control the safety for the
construction site.
At 32 m depth from ground level , explaing
about the project and intersection under existing Satation
I feel really thankful to Chon-san who had helped me over my stay and for your
gift . Furthermore, I would like to express my special thank to Haga , Shin and
Sam for arranging a short trip to Hakone
although I couldn’t accomplish the trip as we encountered minor accident on our
way to Hakone. Anyway , thanks to all of
them for their kind trip arrangement.I got some new friends; Lui – san and
Goori-san who helped me a lot in my stay. Shelly and I visited the Kamakura
Pagoda and beach near the pagoda at the first week .
At Kamarura
Pagoda with Shelly
Before my return to Yangon , Sensei prepared a fareware dinner partey at
the India restaurant and Chon-san treated me lunch. Thank again Goori-san and
Chon-san for their parting gifts.
Fareware Dinner and Parting Gift from Goori-san
and Chon-san

with people from our company, Nippon
Koei . To conclude, I would like to thank again Sensei and everyone who had
helped me during my stay at UTokyo.
Kyu Kyu Thin
Ph.D Candidate
Yangon Technological University
Thursday, April 5, 2018
プログラム: 科学研究費・基盤研究(A)
研究代表者: 川崎
対象地: 東南アジアのデルタ地帯
共同研究機関: 大阪大(文化人類学)、埼玉大(経済学)、北海道大(工学)等
『近代アジアにおける水圏と社会経済 ― データベースと空間解析による新しい地域史の探求』
プログラム: 科学研究費・基盤研究(S)
研究代表者: 東京大学・大学院経済学研究科・城山智子 教授
対象地: 中国長江流域、インド南西部、タイ、インドネシア
共同研究機関: 東大経済学部等
役割: 空間解析ユニット班リーダー
URL: http://www.hysoc.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index.html
プログラム: 文部科学省 地球環境情報プラットフォーム構築推進プログラム
研究代表者: 東京大学・EDITORIA・池内幸司 教授
対象地: 大井川上流域、信濃川支流犀川上流域
共同研究機関: 土木研究所ICHARM、日本工営、東京電力、中部電力
URL: https://www.jst.go.jp/global/kadai/h2607_myanmar.html
プログラム: JICA / JST 地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム
研究代表者: 東京大学・生産技術研究所・目黒公郎 教授
対象地: ミャンマー・バゴー川流域
共同研究機関: ヤンゴン工科大学、ミャンマー政府、東大海岸研、東北大等
役割: 水害グループ・リーダー
URL: https://www.jst.go.jp/global/kadai/h2607_myanmar.html
プログラム: JICA / JST 地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム
研究代表者: 名古屋工業大学・工学研究科・渡辺研司 教授
対象地: タイ・バンコク周辺の工業団地
共同研究機関: チュラーロンコーン大学、名工大、慶應大等
URL: https://www.jst.go.jp/global/kadai/h2908_thailand.html
プログラム: ベルモント・フォーラムCRA(国際共同研究)
研究代表者: 総合地球環境学研究所・谷口真人 教授
共同研究機関: 総合地球環境学研究所等
URL: http://www.jst.go.jp/pr/info/info1298/index.html
プログラム: 科学研究費・基盤研究(A)
研究代表者: 川崎
対象地: 東南アジアのデルタ地帯
共同研究機関: 大阪大(文化人類学)、埼玉大(経済学)、北海道大(工学)等
『近代アジアにおける水圏と社会経済 ― データベースと空間解析による新しい地域史の探求』
プログラム: 科学研究費・基盤研究(S)
研究代表者: 東京大学・大学院経済学研究科・城山智子 教授
対象地: 中国長江流域、インド南西部、タイ、インドネシア
共同研究機関: 東大経済学部等
役割: 空間解析ユニット班リーダー
URL: http://www.hysoc.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index.html
プログラム: 文部科学省 地球環境情報プラットフォーム構築推進プログラム
研究代表者: 東京大学・EDITORIA・池内幸司 教授
対象地: 大井川上流域、信濃川支流犀川上流域
共同研究機関: 土木研究所ICHARM、日本工営、東京電力、中部電力
URL: https://www.jst.go.jp/global/kadai/h2607_myanmar.html
プログラム: JICA / JST 地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム
研究代表者: 東京大学・生産技術研究所・目黒公郎 教授
対象地: ミャンマー・バゴー川流域
共同研究機関: ヤンゴン工科大学、ミャンマー政府、東大海岸研、東北大等
役割: 水害グループ・リーダー
URL: https://www.jst.go.jp/global/kadai/h2607_myanmar.html
プログラム: JICA / JST 地球規模課題対応国際科学技術協力プログラム
研究代表者: 名古屋工業大学・工学研究科・渡辺研司 教授
対象地: タイ・バンコク周辺の工業団地
共同研究機関: チュラーロンコーン大学、名工大、慶應大等
URL: https://www.jst.go.jp/global/kadai/h2908_thailand.html
プログラム: ベルモント・フォーラムCRA(国際共同研究)
研究代表者: 総合地球環境学研究所・谷口真人 教授
共同研究機関: 総合地球環境学研究所等
URL: http://www.jst.go.jp/pr/info/info1298/index.html
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