Hello readers, this is Seemanta (サム) from Kawasaki group. Today I'll be
writing about our current Field trip at Myanmar. There will be 2 blogs of this
visit; i) Interviews with stakeholders at their respective offices (this blog)
& ii) Workshop with all the stakeholders at Yangon Technological University
This field trip is led by the KEIO team. The purpose of this field survey/visit/workshop are the
a) Conduct individual meeting with stakeholders to
collect information on the provisional method of data required in water-related
disaster management system.
b) Share the knowledge and information gather during
the individual meetings with all the other stakeholders and facilitate a joint
group meeting/discussion.
There were five individual interviews; GAD @ Bago,
IWUMD @ Bago, RRD @ Bago, DMH @ Naw Pyi Taw and DHPi @ Naw Pyi Taw.
Below, I'll briefly explain about the individual
meetings mainly via pictures.
Interview with GAD @ Bago (17-01-2017)
Interviewee: U
Nay Min Thu, Deputy Director
Person attending: KEIO team (Kohtake-sensei, Kodaka-san,
and Mizumura-san)
UTokyo team (Ralph-san and Seemanta)
YTU Team (Shelly Win and Kyu Kyu Thin)
Shirai-san gave a presentation to the Deputy Director
of GAD Bago office. He informed us about their duty and responsibilities
before, during and after a flood event (disaster in general).
He also spoke a little about the process how they receive
disaster information and how it is shared with the local communities.
Kodaka-san was explaining about the SATREPS project
Shelly helped in translation and explanation in Myanmar language
Group photo at GAD Bago office
Interview with IWUMD @ Bago (17-01-2017)
Interviewee: Mr. Myint Soe, Assistant Director (Civil)
Person attending: KEIO team (Kohtake-sensei,
Kodaka-san, Shirai-san
and Mizumura-san)
UTokyo team (Ralph-san and Seemanta)
YTU Team (Shelly Win and Kyu Kyu Thin)
Mr. Myint Soe explaining about the responsibilities of IWUMD
Group photo at IWUMD Bago office
Interview with RRD @ Bago (18-01-2017)
Interviewee: Mr. Thein Htay Aung, Director
Person attending: KEIO team (Kohtake-sensei,
Kodaka-san, Shirai-san
and Mizumura-san)
UTokyo team (Ralph-san and Seemanta)
YTU Team (Shelly Win and Kyu Kyu Thin)
We discussed about the duties and responsibilities of
RRD before, during and after disaster. Also, they shared their current challenges
and suggestions to improve it.
It was a very active discussion
Shelly was helping with translation
Group photo at RRD Bago office
Interview with DMH @ Naw Pyi Taw
Interviewee: Dr. Kyaw Moe Oo, Deputy Director General
Person attending: KEIO team (Kohtake-sensei,
Kodaka-san, Shirai-san
and Mizumura-san)
UTokyo team (Ralph-san and myself)
YTU team (Bobo)
JICA (Okazaki-san)
Kohtake-sensei can be seen exchanging information with the DHM members.
I explained about the sample outputs of the proposed system
Group Photo at DMH Naw Pyi Taw office
Interview with DHPi @ Naw Pyi Taw
Interviewee: Min Khaing, Director (Design)
Person attending: KEIO team (Kodaka-san, Shirai-san
and Mizumura-san)
UTokyo team (Ralph-san and myself)
YTU team (Bobo)
JICA (Okazaki-san)
Mr.Min Khaing was very interested in our system and
was very supportive about our project. He explained a lot of the current
responsibilities and actions of DHPI. He was kind enough to give a presentation
about the dam safety operations.
Mr. Min talking about the functions of DHPI
Group photo at DHPi Naw Pyi Taw office
I'm glad to say that all the interviews that we
conducted in the past 3 days have been very informative and fruitful. We are
now looking forward to the workshop to be held at YTU on 20-Jan-2017 (today).
I'll be posting the blog about the workshop soon.
Thanks for reading this blog. If you have any
questions/comments/suggestions, please don't hesitate to post/ask here.