Friday, April 3, 2020
















齋藤悠宇 中国⻑江における⽔運インフラの発展に対する CMCS の役割

下村菜摘 頻発する洪水による格差拡大過程の実証:都市化による貧困の悪循環の深刻化に関するケーススタディ

山上千波 洪水リスク減少に伴う生計向上モデルの構築:洪水対策の便益評価への統合に関するミャンマーでのケーススタディ

1)     Kawasaki, A., Kawamura, G., Win, W.Z. (2020) A local level relationship between floods and poverty: A case in Myanmar. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 42, 101348.
2)   Yonehara, S., Kawasaki, A. (2020) Assessment of the tidal effect on flood inundation in a low-lying river basin under composite future scenarios. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 2020;e312606.
3) Silva, M.D., Kawasaki, A. (2020) A local-scale analysis to understand differences in socioeconomic factors affecting economic loss due to floods among different communities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 47, 101526.
4)   Komori, D., Kawasaki, A., Sakai, N., Shimomura, N., Harada, A., Okuda, K., Chit, B.B.W., Thu, A.M., Htun, K.Y., Toe, W., Win, W.Z., (2020) Characteristic of the 2018 Bago River flood of Myanmar. Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 256-266.
5)     Thin, K.K., Win, W.Z., San, Z.M.L.T., Kawasaki, A.Moiz, A.Bhagabati, S.S. (2020) Estimation of run-of-river hydropower potential in Myitnge River Basin. Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 267-276.
6)   Acierto, R.A., Kawasaki, A., Win, W.Z., Aung, T.O., Khon, R., Komori, D. (2020) Impact of bias-correction methods in assessing the potential flood frequency change in Bago River. Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 288-299.
7)   Win, S., Win, W.Z., Kawasaki, A., San, Z.M.L.T. (2020) Development of flood damage estimation model for agriculture – Case study in the Bago floodplain, Myanmar. Journal of Disaster Research15(3), 242-255.
8)   Myo, H.T., Win, W.Z.,  Shwe, K.P., San, Z.M.L.T., Kawasaki, A., Acierto, R.A. (2020) Projecting Rainfall, Temperature and Impact of Climate Change on Discharge of the Bago River Basin, Ayeyarwady Delta. Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 324-334.
9)     Win, W.Z., Kawasaki, A., Hörmann, G., Acierto, R.A., San, Z.M.L.T., Thu, A.Y. (2020) Multivariate flood loss estimation of 2018 Bago Flood in Myanmar. Journal of Disaster Research15(3), 300-311.
10) San, Z.M.L.T., Win, W.Z., Kawasaki, A., Acierto, R.A., Oo, T.Z. (2020) Developing Flood Inundation Map using RRI and SOBEK models: A Case Study of the Bago River Basin, Myanmar. Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 277-287.
11)  Kodaka, A., Shirai, N., Bhagabati, S., Kohtake, N., Kawasaki, A., Acierto, R.A., Win, W.Z. (2020) Requirement elicitation for data visualization to decision making support for water resource management in Bago River Basin, Myanmar. Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 312-323.
12)  Shimozono, T., Tajima, Y., Akamatsu, S., Matsuba, Y., Kawasaki, A. (2019) Large-Scale Channel Migration in the Sittang River Estuary. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 9862. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-46300-x
13)  Pandey, B.K., Khare, D., Kawasaki, A., Mishra, P.K. (2019) Climate change impact assessment on blue and green water by coupling of representative CMIP5 climate models with physical based hydrological model. 33(1), 141–158. Water Resources Management,
14)   Maung, S.W., San, Z.M.L.T., Win, W.Z., Kawasaki, A., Kyu Kyu Thin (2020) Application and flood discharge analysis with hydrological model (WEB-DHM) in Bago River Basin. J Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 344-352. [Note]
15) Bhagabati, S.S., Kawasaki, A., Takeuchi, W., Win, W.Z. (2020) Improving river bathymetry and topography of a low-lying flat river watershed by integrating different data from multiple sources. Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 335-343. [Survey Report]
16)    奥田康平, 川崎昭如, 濱口竜平 2019 衛星画像と世帯調査データを用いた建物ごとの収入レベルの推定. GIS-理論と応用, 27(2), 9-18.
17)     田平由希子, 川崎昭如 2019)タイ王国都市部における集合住宅の洪水対策についての考察.地域安全学会論文集, 34, 11-18.

Short movies of our research activities in Myanmar

Introductory short films of research activities of Kawasaki Groups in Myanmar .  These films were created by Mr. Shin Yonehara (former grad student) and Mr. Katsuya Nishihara (current 2nd year Master's course student).

Kawasaki Group 2019 @ Myanmar
Created by Mr. Katsuya Nishihara.

Kawasaki Group 2018 @ Myanmar
Created by Mr. Shin Yonehara.

Kawasaki Group 2017 @ Myanmar
Created by Mr. Shin Yonehara.



2019 ミャンマー編

2018 ミャンマー編

2017 ミャンマー編